health and fitness,  keto diet

Final Check-in: Keto + Fitness Challenge

Well, my two-week keto and fitness challenge is over!

How did I do?

I dropped a few pounds (yay!) but I also added some muscle, so it almost canceled out. Eeeeep!

I am more toned than I was before (I’ve been doing weight training), and I did whittle down my waist but I do feel my thighs are kinda muscular. Not bad in and of itself, but…hmm…as long as they don’t prevent me from fitting into what I want, I won’t complain?

Energy – great! I didn’t feel dragged down or tired the way we sometimes feel when starting strict keto (I usually do targeted keto).

Sleep – I think the only time I did not sleep well was the evening I left the funeral (see previous post).

Water – increasing my water intake was a great reminder for me to stay hydrated and to cut back a little on coffee/caffeine. I still love my coffee, don’t get me wrong, but I also want to have a good balance. I tend to drink only water, tea, and coffee.

Would I do this challenge again? Yes, I would, as a jump-start to getting back on my feet if I fall, or as a way to push through a plateau and hit a goal.

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