health and fitness,  keto diet,  keto foods

Two Week Keto + Fitness Challenge

After the festivities of the holidays, many of us will be fulfilling our New Year’s resolutions to get into shape. I’ve noticed that the ketogenic diet has been growing in popularity, and more people are talking about it and exploring it.

And I think that’s awesome!

I started my keto journey last year after trying smoothie detoxes, unicorn tears, and other methods. They didn’t work for me, and I was left hungry and stuck at weight plateaus.

However, with the keto diet, I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds, break through those plateaus, and stick to an eating regimen that doesn’t leave me hungry or on the verge of binge eating. If you’re curious about keto and want to learn how it works, I encourage you to pick up my book, THE HUNGRY GIRL’S GUIDE TO KETO at Amazon (available in both ebook and paperback). Not only does it take you through the keto diet and a handy grocery list of food, but also offers insight into how it works and how it can help you obtain your health or fitness goals.


Two Week Keto + Fitness Challenge


Speaking of goals…

My current fitness goal is to lose 3-5 pounds, maintain and/or build muscle through my weekly strength training, and to tone up (I’m talking snatched).

Today I’ll be starting a personal two-week keto and fitness challenge to catapult me there. Please feel free to follow along, join in, or just root for me and take notes–whatever makes you comfortable!

So, here’s the plan:

If you need recipes and a more detailed guide on what to eat during the keto challenge, pick up the Hungry Girl’s Guide to Keto.

I’m starting TODAY!

I’ll be doing strict keto, drinking 64 oz. of water per day, and engaging in strength training (weights) plus some cardio 3-4x per week.

If you are a beginner, I also highly recommend you track your calories (my fave apps are LifeSum and My Fitness Pal). This is a good way to gauge your daily caloric intake and can help you adjust (sometimes you can hit a plateau if you’re eating at maintenance level or a caloric surplus).

The challenge starts today, January 7 and will end January 20.

Need support or accountability? Join the Hungry Girls Keto group on Facebook!


My starting stats:

Weight: 128 lbs.

Height: 5’2″

BMI: 23.4 (normal)

Body Fat: I’ll have this up in a couple of days (I usually check this during weigh-ins with my personal trainer at the gym)

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